Triethyl acetyl citrate
CAS No:77-89-4Molecular StructureSamples
EINECS No:201-066-577-89-4 PIC-2.jpg77-89-4 PIC-3.jpg
Molecular Formula:C14H22O8
Molecular Weight:318.32
Density:1.136 g/ml at 20 °C
Physical Properties:Triethyl acetyl citrate is a colorless transparent oily liquid with high boiling point, low volatility, and resistance to hydrolysis, which can make the paint achieve good light resistance and non-toxic; Compatible with cellulose acetate, nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate butyrate, and ethyl cellulose.
Applications:Triethyl acetyl citrate is mainly used as a plasticizer for plastics.