Tricresyl Phosphate
CAS No:1330-78-5Molecular StructureSamples
EINECS No:809-930-91330-78-5 PIC-2.jpg1330-78-5 PIC-3.jpg
Molecular Formula:C21H21O4P
Molecular Weight:368.36
Density:1.143g/ml at 25 °C
Physical Properties: Trimethylphenyl phosphate is a colorless to light yellow transparent oily liquid, odorless, slightly fluorescent, stable, non volatile, and flame retardant.
Applications: Trimethylphenyl phosphate is a standard flame retardant plasticizer for synthetic rubber, polyester, and polyvinyl chloride. It can endow high polymers with good wear resistance, weather resistance, mold resistance, radiation resistance, and electrical properties. It can also be used as a gasoline additive, lubricant additive, and hydraulic oil.